MSDS Categorization Services

US Data Provider MSDS classification team, which is made up of executives with experience in the chemical and manufacturing industries, classify information contained on Material Safety Data Sheets, according to health, fire and reactivity hazards. Classifications are developed from our database of classification guidelines, which ensures the highest level of accuracy

Process of categorization involves analysis of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to accuiate parameters for, Toxicity, Corrosiveness, Flammability, Reactivity and Radioactivity

MSDS Categorization Services
MSDS Categorization Services

Placing substances onto the market place which fall within the scope of the Dangerous Substances/Preparations Directive, REACH, Global Harmonisation System or the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulations, requires the seller to provide written information of the hazards and risks of the substances, this is normally provided for in an SDS.

US Data Provider have extensive experience in the classification of substances and preparations for supply and we can produce an SDS from a single substance to an SDS for preparations with a large number of ingredients, allowing for you to ensure the correct hazards and risks are identified to your customers, ensuring their safety.


At Usdataprovider, our safety data sheet services monitor all changes to the safety data sheet and we are ready to help you comply with all the challenges of REACH and CLP implementation and compliance. Our specialists have built up unique expertise in SDS over many years and are supported by dedicated software systems and comprehensive databases. These are in turn underpinned by up-to-the-minute market intelligence obtained through industrial federations and national authorities.

Why SGS?

If you want to more about this service then please contact us we will happy to help you:-

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